ROBOTS are the machines that can carry out a variety of tasks on their own with little or no human control. Most robots are mechanical arms used to build things in factories. The end of the
robot's arm can be fitted with different tools for gripping, drilling, cutting, welding, and painting. Robot toys have become
popular too. They incorporate sensors that respond to sounds and sometimes touch. Some of them can even understand spoken words. Scientists are also trying to create more advanced,human like robots that can see, hear, learn, and make their own decisions. ASIMO, a robot developed by Japanese car manufacturer Honda is one of the most advanced humanoid robots. ASIMO stands for Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility. It looks like a small astronaut recognize familiar faces, and respond to its name. ASIMO can walk, talk, carry things, recognize familiar faces and respond to its name. It was the first robot that could walk independently and climb stairs. There are robot toys too, in the shape of animals with simple artificial intelligence.
robot's arm can be fitted with different tools for gripping, drilling, cutting, welding, and painting. Robot toys have become
popular too. They incorporate sensors that respond to sounds and sometimes touch. Some of them can even understand spoken words. Scientists are also trying to create more advanced,human like robots that can see, hear, learn, and make their own decisions. ASIMO, a robot developed by Japanese car manufacturer Honda is one of the most advanced humanoid robots. ASIMO stands for Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility. It looks like a small astronaut recognize familiar faces, and respond to its name. ASIMO can walk, talk, carry things, recognize familiar faces and respond to its name. It was the first robot that could walk independently and climb stairs. There are robot toys too, in the shape of animals with simple artificial intelligence.
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