Monday, November 10, 2014

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Marvel cinematic universe is american movie franchise and fictional cinematic universe which concentrates on making superhero films & independently produced by Marvel Studios and most characters appearing are from marvel comic books.Agent Phil Coulson is original character of MCU and Iron
Man(2008) is first work by the Franchise.The movies,short films and Tv series which have been cross-over many times.

             The first movie released was Iron Man(2008) which started phase 1 began and ended with Avengers(2012).Phase 2 started by Iron Man Three(2013) and expected to end with AntMan(2015).Phase 3 starts with Captain America Civil War(2016).And tv series Agents of SHIELD Season 1 started after IronMan Three and featured cross-over with Captain America Winter Soldier(2014) and season 2 started in 2014.Agent Carter start in (2014) which features beginning of SHIELD.

List of movies:-

  1. Iron Man(2008)
  2. The Incredible Hulk(2008)
  3. Iron Man(2010)
  4. Thor(2011)
  5. Captain America :The First Avenger(2011)
  6. Marvels Avengers(2012)
  7. Iron Man(2013
  8. Thor :The Dark World(2013)
  9. Captain America:Winter Soldier(2014)
  10. Guardians Of Galaxy(2014)
  11. Avengers:Avengers Age Of Ultron(2015)
  12. Ant-Man(2015)

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